We are proposing changes to the NETCC to make requirements clearer. Share your feedback here.
The New Energy Tech Consumer Code (NETCC, the Code) is authorised by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) as an industry standard for delivering new energy technology services and products.
The Code has been in operation since early 2023 and the ACCC authorisation is due for renewal in late 2025. The process to re-authorise the Code includes the opportunity for minor amendments that make requirements clearer for retailers and consumers, ahead of a fuller review due in 2026.
Feedback is invited from NETCC Signatories, industry and consumer representatives and those involved in applying or relying on the Code to help identify unforeseen challenges that may arise from these proposed amendments.
1. Review the NETCC Consultation Paper and the eight key themes to guide you in compiling your response via the questionnaire form (even if you find there are no challenges you’d like to flag – this will be important feedback from you too)
2. Refer to the Proposed Amendments for ACCC Re-authorisation document, which is based on the current Code document and includes the proposed changes in a blue mark-up for you to follow
3. Where useful, refer to the current Code document
4. Compile your response via the questionnaire form and submit by 5pm AEST Wednesday 26 September 2024 (all responses must be provided via this form, other submissions will not be accepted)
Feedback that falls outside the scope of this consultation will be noted and used to inform the formal review due in 2026.
The NETCC program was designed by peak industry and consumer bodies to set minimum standards for the delivery of new energy technology products and services in Australia including rooftop solar, home batteries, EV chargers and more. The program aims to raise standards of consumer protection, strengthen consumer confidence and encourage innovation and choice for consumers. The Code currently covers a range of new energy technologies for small-scale customers (residential and small business) and includes products and support services the deliver solar, wind, hydro, microgrids, power systems and energy management products.
The program is governed by the NETCC Council, comprising representatives from peak energy industry and consumer bodies. The program is administered by the Clean Energy Council with compliance and enforcement of the Code overseen by the NETCC Monitoring and Compliance Panel.Amendments being proposed at this stage are based on queries raised by Signatories to the Administrator in the regular application of the Code’s requirements.
Feedback is being sought on potential impacts that could arise from these administrative changes, falling under the following eight themes (details for each are shown in the questionnaire form and at the end of this document):
Along with the eight key themes being consulted on, a range of document corrections and flow improvements will be made. These changes have already been incorporated into the Proposed Amendments for ACCC Re-authorisation document. These changes are not highlighted for your review and include:
As the Code has only been in operation for 18 months changes proposed at this time are aimed at making requirements clearer for retailers and consumers. There will be opportunity to provide broader feedback during the formal review due in 2026.
After the consultation closes on 26 September, we will review all feedback and incorporate relevant suggestions into the final amendments submitted to the ACCC. Updates on the process and further opportunities for engagement will be shared via our website.
Thank you for your participation and commitment to maintaining high standards in the new energy tech industry. For more information, please contact us at [email protected].