We are proposing changes to the NETCC to make requirements clearer. Share your feedback here.
Published on - 12 Jan 2023
The Chair reported on the interviews with two excellent candidates for the position of Chair of the Code Monitoring and Compliance Panel.
Council agreed to the selection committee’s recommendation to appoint Dr Penelope Crossley to the Chair position. Dr Crossley will bring extensive experience as a Chair, and in the legal issues associated with the energy and resources sectors.
Council agreed to appoint Gerard Brody as the consumer representative on the Panel. Gerard has extensive experience as the Chair of the Approved Solar Retailer (ASR) program’s Code Review Panel. Consumer Action Law Centre (CALC) will appoint another representative to the NETCC Council in Gerard’s place.
The appointment of an industry representative to the Panel has been challenging, as most applicants to the role are ineligible as they work for potential code signatories. Follow up work will be done to identify suitable candidates for the industry position on the Panel.
The CEC met with an Accredited Solar Retailer (ASR) regarding their transition from the ASR program to the NETCC program.
The ASR advised that as a large company with diverse offerings, the business faces challenges in updating some of its systems and processes to comply with the NETCC, as some required changes will affect other areas of the business. It was discussed that the Administrator will need to show flexibility with ASRs undergoing the transition from ASR to Approved Seller.
Nine applications to become an Approved Seller have been received. Approximately 60 Expressions of Interest in joining the NETCC pilot program have been submitted. The CEC’s assessment team will commence the assessment of pilot program applications in the coming week. The outcomes of these applications will be delivered from 1 February 2023 when the program officially launches.
The CEC is continuing to engage with Solar Victoria and the Victorian Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning (DELWP) regarding the transition process for ASRs. Ensuring consistency in communications to ASRs is critical.
The Approved Seller portal has been deployed and is undergoing testing by the CEC. ASR data has been successfully migrated to the new NETCC CRM platform.
A transition resource pack has been sent to all ASRs. This pack included a copy of the NETCC, the first tech guidance documents, the solar PV consumer information product, a document outlining the differences between the NETCC and the Solar Retailer Code of Conduct, and a NETCC webinar.
For the first 6 months following the transition, the Administrator will be taking a supportive, educative approach to compliance. This approach recognises that it may take ASRs some time to update their documentation, branding, and business practices to comply with the NETCC.
Information about members of the Monitoring and Compliance Panel will be uploaded to the NETCC website once all representatives have been confirmed.
Council agreed that an event promoting the NETCC would be more appropriate after the transition has been completed and the program is more established.
Next meeting - TBC